Working Despite Injury – Someone’s Gotta Pay the Bills, Right?


Returning to work after sustaining an injury, or after having that sometimes much needed break, is not easy. There is no doubt that if you simply pick up the classifieds section of your newspaper and start your job search from there, you are likely to hit some roadblocks that others (the majority) may not experience.

Have no fear! You’ve figured out some excellent side routes to getting stuff done by now and all of that experience with building compensating skills and finding alternatives for getting through the day is going to pay off once you get back into the paid workforce. After getting fairly used to the idea that any kind of physical or mental recovery is going to be hard work, you will be well seasoned for already expecting to put in a little extra effort each day. Here is the good news: there is so much support out there that any previous aversions from businesses to hire you will fade into the past as you discover how much help is available. 

Know what you know and what you like to do. Getting hired, with the fantastic support of the Americans with Disabilities Act to back you up, should be within your reach as long as you aren’t looking for a job that goes completely past your skill set. Example: if before you took time off to heal from your injury, you were a kennel assistant, and you don’t get hired as an astronaut after your injury, you won’t be able to successfully claim discrimination against NASA. The ADA will only support the appropriate accommodations of an employee who qualifies for the position of which he/she is employed/interviewing. But hey, maybe NASA needs dog groomers, you never know!  

For those with the goal of returning to work take a look at how much is available at your fingertips to help you in a successful journey towards a non-discriminating career! Be sure you know what your rights are and what accommodations are available before you set out.

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