Put Your Brain On Your Computer


THIS NEW APP IS LIKE YOUR BRAIN, BUT ON STEROIDS – Last night, I was thinking about Willpower, and mentoring/coaching, and people with head injuries. I was casually brainstorming when, without warning, I happened to think of three topics to discuss with everyone. Because it was rather late though, I did not want to write them out but I knew that if I waited to do something about these three new ideas, I would certainly forget them. It really goes for anyone, not specifically for people coping with the effects of a brain injury –  If we don’t write down critical thoughts that we have at night or during busy parts of our day, we will sometimes not be able remember them when we want to later on.

No worries! Here’s a link for Thinkery. It’s a cool free app for your Chrome browser that organizes your thoughts for you. You can access it anywhere that you can get onto Google. Thinkery is like a running task list but it also incorporates everything else that you need organized in your life and keeps it all on your computer. Finding what you are looking for is so easy because Thinkery can store everything with easy to recall hashtags (#). Some helpful categories to use might be #buy, #call, #visit, #thank, #appointment, #ask, #deadline, #homework, #send. Once you type your reminder, there is a space below your newly added #todo which lets you expand on your thought. Now, you will even be able to remember the little details about your main idea if you fill in the notes section. So last night, I left myself an organized reminder that looked like this:


#write Willpower article – “Frontal Lobe and Short-term Memory”

notes: Add links to describe how to overcome each new difficulty both physically, mentally, and emotionally. Mark each bulleted point with a bullet that matches the Willpower logo. It’s purplish blue with a lightning bolt.

#write Willpower article – “Keep Your New Memories With These Keepsake Tips”

notes: Link back to Frontal Lobe article

#look up advocacy in Texas and write about experience.

Then, When I went to look at my Thinkery list today, my ideas from yesterday came up as well as websites, You Tube videos and other saved notes that matched each main item that I wanted to remember.

This is definitely a tool that can be used every day to help with memory recall. If you use this or any other technique to help with memory issues, let us know what works the best for you.